Case Study
Renaming and rebranding a beloved nonprofit
Support Dogs, Inc. came to Bigwidesky with an identity problem. Although they were fairly well known — and very well loved — for providing support and therapy dogs for individuals with disabilities, the nonprofit was struggling with a name and brand that didn’t accurately reflect its full goals and breadth of services.

Bigwidesky worked with the Support Dogs team and created a new name (Duo), a tagline, and a new logo that perfectly captured the organization’s intent to “create extraordinary bonds between people and dogs.”
Duo’s true purpose became clear through our branding process: the true value is not in the dog, or in the human, instead it comes from the deep relationship between human and dog. With greater clarity on their purpose and a bold new identity, Duo has recently achieved international press for their programs, a Duo dog “Barclay” has been adopted by the St. Louis Blues hockey team and donations to the organization have surpassed expectations so far this year.