There are three things Todd Reed is passionate about: marketing, running an open-book business, and getting people excited to come into work everyday. It was with these passions that he started the Inspired and Intentional Business podcast, a show that features the latest news about business thinkers who are creating change within their companies. Todd is among the many business thinkers who has discovered that things need to change within our workplaces.
Recently Eliot Frick, CEO of Bigwidesky and founder of Be Human Project, and Jeremy Nulik, evangelist prime of Bigwidesky and chief marketing officer of Be Human Project, sat down with Todd in our Bigwidesky studio to talk about what it means to make a business more human.

So over the next week, take a break each day and listen to the four-part series, and see why it is important to make your business more human. You can also subscribe to the podcast here, and stay up to date with what others are doing to create change.